2013年5月30日 星期四

明洞 Express @ 尖沙咀 - 快平靚正之韓風 / Good Korean fast food

明洞 Express @ 尖沙咀 - 快平靚正之韓風

Lunch 找東西食, 講下講下講到食韓國嘢, 就二話不說飛的去尖沙咀明洞 Express食個快平靚正的Lunch.

我本人喜歡韓國有辛辣又有甜味的食物, 所以叫左辛辣泡菜年糕炒拉麵. 出去點完餐後就會拿到一個 BiBi Call 機, 等架機一響就去攞東西吃!

BiBi Call 機

攞到返黎聞到D辛辣味就差D連口水都流出黎. 先講前菜. 泡菜比較酸不算辣, 薯仔香辣超開胃. 個湯好飮, 胡椒味夠重, 多蔬菜夠, 然後我就喝光!

辛辣泡菜年糕炒拉麵 /
Stir Fried Rice Cake with Kimchi and Ramen
前菜: 泡菜 & 薯仔

然後到果辣炒辛辣麵年糕, 辣得平均, 沒有感到半點死辣, 而且辣中有甜, 好惹味! 年糕有咬口, 再吸左D辣汁, 很好食!

結論: E間舖可以一試,然後再試. 

Stir Fried Rice Cake with Kimchi and Ramen (aka: Tteokbokki)  

Myeongdong Express Korean Fast Food @ Tsim Sha Tsui

You may have tried the Hong Kong style fast food in Hong Kong, but how about the Korean fast food? Now, let me share a good Korean fast food shop in Tsim Sha Tsui to you. That shop is called Myeongdong Express and one of my favor dish in there is called "Stir Fried Rice Cake with Kimchi and Ramen (aka: Tteokbokki)".

So for the source, it is not just spicy but it also has a sweet taste in it. So you may say the taste is funny which I agree but honestly it tastes very good. Besides, the rice cake is so tender and it absorbs the sweet and spicy source which you will feel very exciting when you are having them.

Besides, the side dish - Kimchi, also a good one. It is not very very spicy, so just try it and you will love it!

Next time if you stop by Tsim Sha Tsui, go there for a quick lunch or dinner as to feel what kind of Korean fast food it is!


Conclusion: Can go for a try

Keywords:  E間舖可以一試然後再試, 食, 尖沙咀, 韓國, 拉麵, 年糕, 明洞 Express, 辛辣泡菜, 薯仔, Eat, Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, TST, Good to go for a try, Korea, Ramen, Stir Fried, Rice Cake, Myeongdong, Ramen, Kimchi, Tteokbokki

