2013年5月20日 星期一

Urban Bakery @ 銅鑼灣 - 痴痴為你(牛角包)等, 值得嗎? / Wait for 20 minutes as to buy a Croissant?

Urban Bakery @ 銅鑼灣 – 痴痴為你(牛角包), 值得嗎?

今天是本人第一次逛銅鑼灣希慎廣場的Jasons . Food & Living, 見到條長長人龍排隊等 Urban bakery 新鲜出爐的牛角包, 原本想轉身就走, 但因久聞此bakery的大名, 而且身邊朋友毎個都話好味, 好奇的我就去排隊, 想買番果試下.

Urban Bakery
排左20分鐘終於排到我, 有理冇理都買個原味同杏仁牛角包, price tag上有”AOC”的法國認證, 有此title的故然是保證但我想..將此放在香港就好像是一位出身名門的人在銀光燈下被人利用作marketing似的. 哀乎  !? 難道其他麵包店出爐的牛角包, 沒有”AOC”就等於沒有保證? 唔好味?

Plain Croissant HK$11.7 each
Plain Croissant 
無疑原味牛角包的牛油很香, 又有外脆內軟的酥皮, 很香口.  另一款的杏仁牛角包包面有很多的杏仁和砂糖, 每口了牛油香外又有甜味, 的確很誘人不過, 其實在歐洲 (或在香港) 牛角包是很普通的食物,歐洲人每天都有會買來吃的早餐 (在香港也有此機會買來作早餐), 街角的麵包師傳(歐洲和香港)都很會做到很好味,  咁點解這普通平民化又好食的食物, 落在Urban bakery 手上,為何會這麼好賣而要又賣到$12 - $ 13一個(街角的麵包店可能只需$6- $ 7一個, 味道可能一樣好味)? 是因為有”AOC”? 有大財團back up就一定有水準? marketing & promotion? 有羊群效應? 有人云亦云?

Almond Croissant ~ HK$13.5 each
Almond Croissant 
我問我自己, 如果以上的提問中只要有一個答案是Yes, 那我想我的味蕾跟腦神經應該给市場化了哀乎  !?

結論: E間舖可以一試,然後不用再試

續篇: 平靚正的牛角包 (Link)


May 4 - Will you wait for 20 minutes as to buy a Croissant?

Yes, will you wait for 20 minutes as to buy a croissant in the Urban bakery of Jasons Supermarket in Hysan Shopping Mall, Causeway Bay? Well, I just did it on yesterday. 

So was it taste good? Yes, it tasted good but it is not worth to wait so long for it? Actually, the bread was so common in the World and I bet you will buy it for your breakfast in the weekday. Then why we need to wait for it? Furthermore, the price tag of that croissant is around HK$ 12 each. So is it worth to buy it? For me, it’s a “Yes and No”. “Yes” as it’s worth as it tastes good; “No” as I didn’t want to line up so long and indirectly helped the shop for promotion.

Although the croissant has “AOC” (Concours du Meilleur Croissant au Beurre AOC Charantes-Poitou a.k.a The Best Butter Croissant Competition), is it really worth that price and wait for that long? It is your call.


Conclusion: You can go there and have a try, but one time is enough

Extended reading: Mushroom Bakery @ Sai Kung (Link)

Extended reading again: Sai Kung Cafe & Bakery @ Sai Kung (Link)

