2013年5月20日 星期一

85℃ @ 太子 - 咸的85℃? / Sea Salt Green Tea in 85c

85℃ @ 太子 - 咸的85?

路經太子荔枝角道見到85, 想吃台灣食物的心癮又走出來, 所以二話不說的走入去買有杯海岩綠茶.

之前在台北或香港飲海岩綠茶時, 都會感受到一種層次感, 先是有咸味,  然後有茶味, 最後就是甘香味, 但不知為何, 今次這杯就少了咸味, 中間都依然有茶味, 再飮到底時就只有甜味, 沒甘香味.

Sea Salt Green Tea

也許只是有一丁點失手, 才出現這情况. 希望下次再買海岩綠茶時, 水準可以有之前的好!

結論: E間舖可以一試,然後再試

Sea Salt Green Tea @ 85, Prince Edward

Have you even think of putting some sea salt in green tea? Actually this kind of drink was first being popular in Taiwan and then the shop (85) bought it to Hong Kong last year as to develop new market. The taste of this drink is very good and when you take first couple sips, you can taste the sea salt. And when you drink again and again, you can taste the green tea in the middle. So, are you interested to have a sip of Sea Salt Green Tea.

Although, this green tea tastes good, this time my cup was not that good. Unluckily I could not taste the sea salt in my first couple sips and I thought my drink was too sweet, too!
Anyway, I am willing to give them benefit of doubt and sure I will buy the Sea Salt Green Tea in 85 again as to see they have improved the quality or not.

